Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm working on a blog post on ladylike fashion, so I promise you'll hear from me soon.

In the meantime, here is a video of a poet named Taylor Mali. It explains exactly why I teach.



Sunday, August 22, 2010

Have You Missed Me?

Hi Friends!!

So sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I've been on vacation on Emerald Isle, NC.

... And also I didn't really know what to blog about. But don't worry, I'm back, with lots of fresh ideas, so expect something within the next few days.

In the meantime, check out my friend Kat's blog, Tiers of Joy featuring a great interview with an entrepreneur from Summerland Style on, and Lisa's movie blog, If Only Life Were A Movie, which will feature Part II of her Bucket List series- serious stuff... seriously fun :)

See you soon!!


Monday, August 9, 2010

The Quest For The Perfect Skincare Product-Part 2

To find the perfect skincare, a girl has to ask her friends. So, I give you Lisa, my best friend since childhood, who will give you her take on her search for the perfect skincare products.

Hello fellow Musings devotees! After I responded to Nay’s request for skincare suggestions, she decided it was time for her first guest writer. As her best friend I’m very excited to share with you what I shared with her. I’ve used a lot of products over the years, some good, some not so much. Nothing really to rave about until now…
It’s important to understand that everyone’s skin is different. The products that work for me may not work for you. But here’s my story. I kinda got lucky when it comes to my skin. It’s normal with occasional dryness, I’ve never had a problem with blemishes (just a stray pimple here or there), and because I started using anti-aging products on my 20th birthday, at twenty-five I’m still completely wrinkle free. On the other end of the spectrum my skin tone is uneven so I have to wear foundation with plenty of coverage and I have visible pores. No, nothing earth shattering but it can still be improved on.

A little over a week ago I kicked my current Olay products to the curb because they just weren't working anymore. So I took a trip down the skincare aisle with the hopes of finding new products to correct my issues while still maintaining my goal of warding off those pesky wrinkles.
I settled on three Neutrogena products. To reduce the appearance of my pores I chose the Pore Refining Cleanser. For my uneven skin tone I picked up the Ageless Intensives Tone Correcting Moisturizer with SPF 30 (so important!) for daytime. And to round out my new regime I got the Ageless Intensives Deep Wrinkle Moisturizer for night.

It’s been about ten days since I started using the new products and I can already see a difference! I’ve had no problems with dry skin thanks to the double shot of moisturizer. My pores have already began to shrink and my skin tone is about 30% more even already. I’m extremely happy with the results so far and thanks to the affordability of Neutrogena products, I didn’t have to break the bank.

Like I said before, what works for me may not work for you. But I would absolutely recommend you try Neutrogena products if you’re in need of change. Don’t’ be afraid to experiment until you find what works. And if never to early to start using anti-aging products.

I hope you find this product review helpful if you, like Nay, are trying to find the right combination for your skin. If you’ve already found it, let Nay know! I know she’d appreciate it. And feel free to stop by my blog If Only Life Were A Movie.

Radiantly Yours,
Lisa Marie

Don't you love her? Me too :)

Like Lisa said,
Radiantly yours,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What I Want Out of Life

My best friend Lisa has been writing a Bucket List, a list of 25 Things in 25 Years, and that inspired me to write one of my own.

Now, before I post this, I want you to know that this is rather personal, and my first thought after finishing it was "My, those are awfully average things you want to accomplish." But it's my life, and it's what I want, so please be gentle.

Here it is.

Nay’s Bucket List: 25+ Things in 25 Years

1. Marry someone who loves me and understands my idiosyncrasies and accepts them
2. Have three children, boys preferably
3. Live in a nice house in the suburbs close to a major city
4. Have lots of dogs!
5. Learn how to make jewelry
6. Lose 30 lbs.
7. Own a vacation house on a lake or the bay
8. Become fluent in French again, or maybe Italian
9. Train for and run a 10k

1. Teach elementary school.
2. Be voted Teacher of the Year
3. Get a doctorate (Ed.D or Ph.D) in Administration/Supervision, and Curriculum Design. Or a Ph.D in medieval history
4. Be principal of an elementary school.
5. Teach Education at a university
6. Write/illustrate children's books with my sister Shelley
7. Write a short novel

1. Go to France and drink red wine and eat brie and baguettes all day
2. Go to Ireland and see the cliffs
3. Go to India and visit a Buddhist temple
4. Go to Turkey and see Cappadocia and Istanbul
5. Go to Italy and see EVERYTHING
6. Go on a cruise to Alaska
7. Travel with my best friend Lisa
8. Go back to New York City and try it again
9. Swim in water so blue it takes your breath away
10. Touch a dolphin
11. Go to 5 star resort in Mexico

1. See another Broadway play
2. Go to a movie premiere
3. Get back into theatre
4. Take classic voice lessons
5. Go to a taping of a sitcom
6. Own something made by Louis Vuitton or shoes by Christian Louboutin. Or Dior. Or an Armani suit.

What's on your bucket list?

Thoughtfully yours,