Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New and Improved Musings

I've decided to try something different with this blog. I used to blog about random things, things that popped into my head, things that happened on the way to the forum, etc. etc. Then this evening I was musing in the shower (I do a lot of my best thinking in there, how about you?) and I decided that maybe I should start blogging with a basic theme in mind. I thought it might be interesting to pick a different theme each month, and write blogs based (maybe loosely) on that chosen theme. Knowing how I am, I thought it might be best to assign myself two to three blog posts a week on this chosen theme, that way I can explore lots of areas of the theme.

Does this sound like something you might want to read?

Here's the yearly projection, by theme.

May- Health and Wellness (these posts could range anywhere from exercise, vitamins and minerals, The Happiness Project, and any other interesting tidbits I dig up about wellness today)
June- Food and Drink (I was thinking farmers markets, great wines and wine tours, the latest trends in food/drink)
July- Americana (American traditions, some NON-PARTISAN politics, etc)
August- Great Literature (Books, magazines, blogs. I think I'll have some guest writers for this one)
September- Fall Fashions (in honor of The September Issues of Vogue and InStyle... both GIGANTIC issues)
October- History and Folklore (I was thinking Halloween things, maybe some history stuff thrown in because I was a history major as an undergraduate)
November- Great Films (Again, a few guest writers)
December- Holiday Traditions Around the World

Does this sound interesting? If so, please comment, or email for theme suggestions or post ideas.

This really depends on things you're interested in, so drop me a line!

Thoughtfully yours,


  1. I love these ideas! I think once you've blogged about so many things, maybe you'll have more of an idea of what you'd like to blog about permanently. :) Can't wait to read more!

  2. I like. I'm excited about June and September. What are you thinking as far as guest writers, just referencing other people's work? July should have some American wars history. October should have some cool ghost stories!! HEY!! maybe we can do some ghost tours and then you can blog about them!!! I also think we should throw a big multi-cultural holiday party in Dec.

  3. Pretty inspired my friend! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
