Friday, December 17, 2010

Dear Santa Claus...

I know it's so close to Christmas. And I know the time for wishlists has come and gone. But I got my Anthropologie catalog in the mail the other day... and I found a few things that I would just LOVE to have :) My birthday IS around the corner you know ...

Happy Holidays, I love you all.
Austin's Flora Measuring cups, $28
Saturated Speckles Vase, $128

Topography dessert plates, $7.50 ea.

Verdant Acres dinnerware, $10-16

Sip of Nectar mug, $12

Pen and Ink Tulips, $498

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DIY Ladder Shelves by PrettyHandyGirl

Check this out- you know those cute as hell ladder shelves at Pottery Barn?
Like these??

The following link is a blog that was a guest post on Centsational Girl from she made her own ladder shelves!

LOVE THIS and I can't wait to try it!

Do it yourself!!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Manners Matter, or, Move Over Emily Post.

It's that most wonderful time of year! Time for holiday parties and get togethers and... *gulp*... in-laws.

Oh sweet Jesus.

For a lot of us, the holidays are our time to shine. It's the time of year that we deck our halls, bring out the fancy dishes, and make sure we're dressed to the nines. What a glorious time of year! It's also the time of year that families do the most fighting, the most despicable things, and forget their manners. Which is exactly what this post is all about. Manners.

Manners are a forgotten art in today's society. While most people believe in manners, they don't necessarily practice what they preach. This is understandable because many of our new creature comforts (email, Facebook, etc) have blurred the communication lines, and have created their own etiquette or made previous mores obsolete. It's time to brush up on our manners, people!

And what better time of year than at the holidays when our calendars dictate our lives, and thus, our social graces.

Brush up on your manners at:

A Holiday Open House or House Party

What to give:
Not flowers. They may not go with the look of the party, but the host would feel obligated to put them out.  Instead, try a low-maintenance potted plant, which will last beyond the holiday season. A pail full of shiny red apples or a box of small, sweet clementines would be just divine!

What to do:
RSVP, for God's sake. Even for a casual event, the host needs to plan how much food and drink to get.
Make an effort to mingle, so the host doesn't feel she has to entertain you. Don't take the term "open house" literally. Keep to the areas clearly decorated for the party.

How to dress: A crowded party can get hot. To stay comfortable, make sure the layer closest to your skin is something lightweight. A colorful shawl adds festive flair and is easier than a sweater to put on and take off as necessary.

Coming and going: Showing up anytime from five minutes after the designated start time to 30 minutes before the stated finish is OK.

How to follow up: Send a thank-you note, and if you have talked to the host about something in particular―a DVD she might like, for instance―send that along, too.

The Office Holiday Party
What to give:
Remember the classroom rule: If you don't have gifts for everyone, don't hand them out in front of everyone. If you're giving presents to only some of your coworkers, do so at another time.

What to do: 
Introduce yourself to the company bigwigs. If they seem busy, just add that you enjoy working there, and move on. Listen more than you speak. Avoid conversations about politics or religion with coworkers you don't know well. Consider sticking to club soda. Nobody's the talk of the office for eating too many cheese puffs, but anyone who gets looped is discussed forever.

How to dress: Upgrade your normal office look. Accessorize a suit with an evening handbag and pumps. If you normally wear pants, a black skirt and a twinset should do the trick.

Coming and going: Don't be fashionably late; arrive no more than 10 minutes after the start time. Leave when you're ready- no one is watching the door and you don't have to clock out.

How to follow up: If someone took trouble to plan the party, a thank-you note would be thoughtful.

New Years Eve Bash
What to give: 
A morning-after basket of teas and coffee, muffins or scones, and some aspirin.
A desk calendar and a selection of cards for birthdays, anniversaries, and other happy occasions in the new year.

What to do: The best way to show your appreciation for being invited is to get into the spirit of the party. If it's a masquerade, wear a mask. If the host wants everyone to wear sparkly party hats and boas, swallow your pride.

How to dress: In cold, dry winter weather, elegant fabrics such as silk are prone to static cling. To maintain a flowing look, run a wire hanger over your clothes to remove the electric charge.

Coming and going: Above all, avoid arriving early. For a cocktail party, your host probably expects you no later than an hour after the start time. If you're not sure when to leave,  look for these signs: music turned down or up (to make talking more difficult); lights turned up; bar closed; food no longer being replenished; the host with her shoes off, rubbing her feet.

 How to follow up: Send a thank-you note. If you took digital photos, e-mail a few, but send a handwritten note, too.

And for Heaven's sake- WRITE THANK YOU NOTES FOR EVERYTHING. No matter how small or insignificant you think it may be, writing a handwritten thank you note is more gratifying than any cheap bottle of wine you bring to the party. 

Mind your manners, friends.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Adventures in Furniture Refinishing

In these shaky economic times, no one (or no one I know) can afford to buy new furniture. Most of us can barely make rent. Fortunately, most furniture is really easy to refinish, and doesn't cost a lot of cash or time.

I've had this old entertainment center for years. When my parents bought it, it was pretty with its caramel colored wood, and it went well with our furniture. But it's been sitting in the storage shed for awhile, and it needed some love. I've always loved black furniture, so I decided to paint it. I bought black high gloss and some primer at Home Depot, and roughed up the surface with sandpaper so the primer would stick. After the primer dried, I rolled the black paint onto the large surfaces, and trimmed with a smaller brush. It only took an afternoon, and I'm really pleased with the results. I also bought some new cabinet knobs to dress the cabinet doors up a bit, but I have not put them on yet- still waiting for the paint to dry. Here are some pictures.

Again, this was super easy, and didn't take much time at all- just an afternoon. Time well spent if you ask me; my entertainment center looks brand new and a lot more stylish.

Let me know what you think.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's The Great Pumpkin (puree)!!!

The "Pumpkin Holidays" are coming :) I call them the "Pumpkin Holidays" because everyone is either decorating with or eating pumpkins. This is the time of year when we stock our pantries with pumpkin pie filling, pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spices, etc.

Aside from pumpkin pie, pumpkin puree is next to impossible to use. Or so I thought. Then I saw these recipes from, you guessed it, Real Simple.

Pumpkin Pancakes
Serves 4

Prepare 1 cup dry pancake mix according to the package directions.
Whisk in 1/3 cup canned pumpkin puree.
You know the rest :)

Pumpkin Milk Shake
Makes 1 milk shake

Blend until smooth 1 cup vanilla ice cream, 1/4 cup milk, 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin puree, 1 tablespoon confectioners’ sugar, and a pinch of freshly grated nutmeg.

Pumpkin Whipped Cream
Makes 2 cups

Beat together 1 cup heavy cream, 1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar, and 1 tablespoon canned pumpkin puree until soft peaks form.

Happy Pumpkin Holidays!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Just a suggestion....

Christmas is coming!! In preparation, I've already started compiling my Christmas list. However, feel free to get whatever you want for me ;)

All Clad stainless steel, copper bottom cookware.

Augustine duvet cover, Crate and Barrel

Clockwork earrings, I've found ones similar to these at an antique shop here in Richmond

Cobalt blue Artisan stand mixer, Kitchen Aid

Emily pillow, Pottery Barn

Wall art, Keys, Crate and Barrell

Lucky Brand scarf

The Tudors: Final Season- serious guilty pleasure.
 Festively yours,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it...

Fall is FINALLY here!! Gosh I'm so excited about chilly mornings and crispy afternoons. The light is changing, the leaves are starting to get that look. For me, Fall is actually the time of new beginnings, probably because I'm a teacher, and the new year starts in the the Fall. I've always felt this way, even in school. You get to reinvent yourself every year, and what better time to start then Fall, when the old you "falls" away like leaves off the trees.

To celebrate this glorious season, I found some photographs of Fall foliage that I just love. This is just a reminder to savor the season- make sure you stop and take a look at the colors, inhale that woodsmokey, wet leaf smell and embrace the chill in the air. Put on a cozy sweater and take a walk outside. It's gorgeous this time of year.

All my love,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How to Make (Screw up?) an Upholstered Headboard

So I've been pondering whether or not to buy a new bed for the new apartment. And as much as I'd love to have this bed

the Brighton White Queen bed from Crate and Barrel (and even the Marimekko Madison Persimmon bed linens), I've decided that I just can't afford it.

My current bed is, well, lacking, to say the least, but it's workable. It needs a coat of paint and a new headboard. Which is where my latest project comes in. I've decided to make my own headboard.

The geniuses over at have posted the step by step directions on how to make an upholstered headboard- and you all know how much I LOVE upholstery (it's sick really. It's just fabric.) So I'm going to try my hand at making my own upholstered headboard.

Here are the steps:

foam core board
craft knife
fusible fleece
fusible adhesive
pressing cloth
glue gun
fabric scraps
fusible patterns
self-stick hook-and-loop tape

1. Determine the shape of the headboard, and draw its outline on the foam core board. Repeatedly score the outline with a craft knife until it cuts completely through the board.
2. Cut three layers of fusible fleece to the dimensions of the headboard, and align them on the foam core. Place a pressing cloth over the fleece, spray it lightly with water, and then press the fleece with an iron. All three layers will fuse at once.
3. Cut the fabric slightly larger than the foam core so that its edges wrap around the sides and onto the back of the board.
4. Starting in the center and working out to the edges, press the fabric onto the fleece.
5. Iron a strip of fusible adhesive to the edge of the fabric, remove the protective paper and fuse the fabric onto the back of the board.
6. Cut a piece of fabric about ½-inch smaller than the dimensions of the board. Fuse it to the back of the board so that it covers the raw edges of the fabric fused to the front.
7. Apply trim around the edges of the headboard with a glue gun.
8. Fuse pattern onto coordinating fabric. Cut out the pattern, remove the paper backing and iron the design onto the headboard, pillows, dust ruffle or other accessories.
9. Attach the headboard to the wall with self-adhesive hook-and-loop tape. Apply a little glue to the part of the tape attached to the headboard, and press it onto the part of the tape attached to the wall to make a more secure bond.

Now, I think this is pretty straightforward, but I'm not exactly the most coordinated of persons, and I do have trouble following directions, so we'll see how this goes.

The hardest part (I think) is going to be picking out fabric. Here's why: I love color, but I change my mind like I change my mood (and that's FREQUENT) so I don't want to get tied down to something that I'm going to hate in three weeks. I like solids, but I think solids will be boring. I'm thinking that if I go with something neutral, I'll be able to make it work with any bed linens I buy (Augustine duvet cover from Crate and Barrel, anyone?)


Ok now here's the fun part: Who wants to help me do this? Anyone? ;)


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Art Imitates Life

I'm contemplating purchasing some original artwork for my living room, over my sofa. The artist, Amy Giacomelli, is from Colorado and her work is so amazingly beautiful and lively that words just can't begin to describe.

These are the two I am considering:
"Crimson Forest" 24x36, acrylic on canvas, Amy Giacomelli

"Scarlet Reflections", 3 panels each 24x18, acrylic on canvas, Amy Giacomelli

I'm so in love with both of these and I'm having a hard time deciding!! HELP!!

Check out Amy's site here Original Prints by Amy Giacomelli

Artistically yours,

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Under Covers

I'm gearing up to move into my own apartment (yippee) and with new scenery comes my desire for new linens. I'm dying to redo my bed linens, and have found a few pleasing choices. But now comes the hard part. Choosing. (Well that and paying for them.)

Here are the contenders:

Marimekko Madison Plum duvet, Crate and Barrel

Augustine Duvet, Crate and Barrel

Marimekko Madison Persimmon duvet, Crate and Barrel

Alissa Embroidered Duvet, Pottery Barn


Beddingly yours,

Friday, September 17, 2010

An Examined Life is Best

I was cleaning out some closets today in my house and I happened across a rare treat. I found my old diaries; diaries I'd kept since I was a freshman in high school, all the way until sophomore year in college!

Of course, being the curious glutton that I am, I read them. I wish I hadn't because I am SHOCKED at how vapid I used to be. USED TO BE, BITCHES. ;-)

Anyway, it got me thinking about the past, and how we should reexamine our past in order to proceed into the future. Reading my old diaries, the entries about lost loves, teenage angst, bitchy friends and heartache, reminds me that I have so much to be thankful for. I've grown a lot since those entries were written and I've learned a lot about life and the world. Back when I was a teenage girl, the world was so small and limited, so every little thing became a HUGE deal. But now that the world is wide open and I can go where I want to go and be who I want to be, these little things are really just that: little.

I realized while I was reading the old entries that life is really REALLY good now. I have an excellent job and a fulfilling career, a loving family (not the annoying, oh-why-do-they-torment-me-so, family members that I wrote about in the diaries), and plenty of other great things, things I had taken for granted and taken as a "given" instead of the blessing they are.

So I suppose my point is that it's important that we look back every now and then to remember how good we really have it. So I guess that teenage angst had a purpose after all :-)

Now my question for you, dear friends, is this: Do you ever look back at old diaries or letters? Do you even keep them?
Food for thought, indeed.

Count your blessings friends.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Lady Should Never Be Without One

ucky Brand Women's Sunshine Paisley scarf, $55.00
Autumn is finally arriving, and not a moment too soon!! For me, Fall means pumpkin pie, apple cider scented candles, crispy mornings and warm afternoons and.... SCARVES!!!!

God I love a good scarf. No, not the woolly, it's-20-below-outside scarves, but the gauzy, flimsy, lady-like neck adornments that just SCREAM "pay attention to me, I'm pretty and girly"
ISTIL Designs Women's Scrunch Scarf, $20.00
Of course, tying a scarf is more than just wrapping a length of linen around your neck. There is more to it, and it can quite complicated. Fortunately, there is a clever little website here that gives step by step instructions on folds, basic knots and more complicated ones. Myself, I'm a fan of the European loop. It's easy, chic and effortlessly fashionable.
A scarf is not just an accessory. Oh sure, you could treat it as one in its own right, but I prefer to wear scarves as an extension of my outfit. I like to add a vivid scarf to a more muted outfit to add lots of POP! But really, it's all about what you're comfortable wearing.

Satin Charmeuse silk Van Gogh "Irises", $35
Scarves are easy to find. A simple search brings up pages of them. I've bought mine from Old Navy, Dress Barn and Macy's. They are simply EVERYWHERE and in every price range. So, what are you waiting for? Go get yourself a snazzy scarf, and be at the very pinnacle of autumnal fashion :)

Elegantly yours,

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm working on a blog post on ladylike fashion, so I promise you'll hear from me soon.

In the meantime, here is a video of a poet named Taylor Mali. It explains exactly why I teach.



Sunday, August 22, 2010

Have You Missed Me?

Hi Friends!!

So sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I've been on vacation on Emerald Isle, NC.

... And also I didn't really know what to blog about. But don't worry, I'm back, with lots of fresh ideas, so expect something within the next few days.

In the meantime, check out my friend Kat's blog, Tiers of Joy featuring a great interview with an entrepreneur from Summerland Style on, and Lisa's movie blog, If Only Life Were A Movie, which will feature Part II of her Bucket List series- serious stuff... seriously fun :)

See you soon!!


Monday, August 9, 2010

The Quest For The Perfect Skincare Product-Part 2

To find the perfect skincare, a girl has to ask her friends. So, I give you Lisa, my best friend since childhood, who will give you her take on her search for the perfect skincare products.

Hello fellow Musings devotees! After I responded to Nay’s request for skincare suggestions, she decided it was time for her first guest writer. As her best friend I’m very excited to share with you what I shared with her. I’ve used a lot of products over the years, some good, some not so much. Nothing really to rave about until now…
It’s important to understand that everyone’s skin is different. The products that work for me may not work for you. But here’s my story. I kinda got lucky when it comes to my skin. It’s normal with occasional dryness, I’ve never had a problem with blemishes (just a stray pimple here or there), and because I started using anti-aging products on my 20th birthday, at twenty-five I’m still completely wrinkle free. On the other end of the spectrum my skin tone is uneven so I have to wear foundation with plenty of coverage and I have visible pores. No, nothing earth shattering but it can still be improved on.

A little over a week ago I kicked my current Olay products to the curb because they just weren't working anymore. So I took a trip down the skincare aisle with the hopes of finding new products to correct my issues while still maintaining my goal of warding off those pesky wrinkles.
I settled on three Neutrogena products. To reduce the appearance of my pores I chose the Pore Refining Cleanser. For my uneven skin tone I picked up the Ageless Intensives Tone Correcting Moisturizer with SPF 30 (so important!) for daytime. And to round out my new regime I got the Ageless Intensives Deep Wrinkle Moisturizer for night.

It’s been about ten days since I started using the new products and I can already see a difference! I’ve had no problems with dry skin thanks to the double shot of moisturizer. My pores have already began to shrink and my skin tone is about 30% more even already. I’m extremely happy with the results so far and thanks to the affordability of Neutrogena products, I didn’t have to break the bank.

Like I said before, what works for me may not work for you. But I would absolutely recommend you try Neutrogena products if you’re in need of change. Don’t’ be afraid to experiment until you find what works. And if never to early to start using anti-aging products.

I hope you find this product review helpful if you, like Nay, are trying to find the right combination for your skin. If you’ve already found it, let Nay know! I know she’d appreciate it. And feel free to stop by my blog If Only Life Were A Movie.

Radiantly Yours,
Lisa Marie

Don't you love her? Me too :)

Like Lisa said,
Radiantly yours,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What I Want Out of Life

My best friend Lisa has been writing a Bucket List, a list of 25 Things in 25 Years, and that inspired me to write one of my own.

Now, before I post this, I want you to know that this is rather personal, and my first thought after finishing it was "My, those are awfully average things you want to accomplish." But it's my life, and it's what I want, so please be gentle.

Here it is.

Nay’s Bucket List: 25+ Things in 25 Years

1. Marry someone who loves me and understands my idiosyncrasies and accepts them
2. Have three children, boys preferably
3. Live in a nice house in the suburbs close to a major city
4. Have lots of dogs!
5. Learn how to make jewelry
6. Lose 30 lbs.
7. Own a vacation house on a lake or the bay
8. Become fluent in French again, or maybe Italian
9. Train for and run a 10k

1. Teach elementary school.
2. Be voted Teacher of the Year
3. Get a doctorate (Ed.D or Ph.D) in Administration/Supervision, and Curriculum Design. Or a Ph.D in medieval history
4. Be principal of an elementary school.
5. Teach Education at a university
6. Write/illustrate children's books with my sister Shelley
7. Write a short novel

1. Go to France and drink red wine and eat brie and baguettes all day
2. Go to Ireland and see the cliffs
3. Go to India and visit a Buddhist temple
4. Go to Turkey and see Cappadocia and Istanbul
5. Go to Italy and see EVERYTHING
6. Go on a cruise to Alaska
7. Travel with my best friend Lisa
8. Go back to New York City and try it again
9. Swim in water so blue it takes your breath away
10. Touch a dolphin
11. Go to 5 star resort in Mexico

1. See another Broadway play
2. Go to a movie premiere
3. Get back into theatre
4. Take classic voice lessons
5. Go to a taping of a sitcom
6. Own something made by Louis Vuitton or shoes by Christian Louboutin. Or Dior. Or an Armani suit.

What's on your bucket list?

Thoughtfully yours,

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Quest for the Perfect Skincare Product, Part 1

I have a love/hate relationship with my skin. More specifically, the skin on my face. Either it's perfect and flawless, or its a lamentable mess. Which leads me to my question du jour: What are the best products for my skin?

Actually it's several questions:

What is the best foundation for oily skin?
What is the best cleanser?
What is the best moisturizer?
Should I be using toner or not?
What about anti-aging? Is there a product out there that is oil-free, but still fights the signs of aging that, unfortunately, I am already seeing in the mirror? (Hello frown lines.)

I think that taking care of your face is the most important money you'll ever spend on yourself. It's the only face you have and you should baby it.

Any skin gurus out there? Help a sister out. I would like to sample several products, then tell you how it goes here at Musings. Suggestions are SUPER. Email me at,  or hit me up on facebook if you know it.

Non-comedigenically yours,

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stickers Are the New Wallpaper

A friend of mine showed me this link about door stickers! Now before you go "oh man Nay, we're not kids anymore, who puts stickers on their doors?!", you have to check these out:


Pretty amazing, huh. You can't even tell that it's a door! These stickers are available here for $199 (a little steep, but imagine the visual impact!) and are very easy to install- they go on with simple wallpaper glue! Check out the blog at the link given.

Visually yours,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Handmade Jewelry? Yes Please!

Part of my Reinvention and Restoration Project (that's what I'm calling my diet, exercise and wardrobe updates) involves getting acquainted with jewelry. Step One was branching out of simple stone studs and into more decorative options, see my July 13th post. I'm proud to report that I am happily wearing lovely post earrings and am ready to begin experimenting with dangly earrings.

One of my friends, Shelby, makes jewelry and she gave me a beautiful set for a graduation gift: a pair of cobalt/azure blue drops and a small circlet necklace of the same stones. I'm very excited to wear them, but I've been avoiding necklaces and drop earrings this summer because of my summer school work, and the kid I'm working with (he pulls hair and tends to grab-ass a lot. Last thing I need is him to pull and earring out of my ear.) However, with summer school over this week, I'm anxious to wear my new baubles!

One of my sisters friends from college, Elizabeth, makes jewelry also. She writes an eco-friendly, jewlery blog called The Diving Loon, and sells her creations on here. I was perusing her site this morning and this is what I found:

Wine Lily Floral Copper drops
The Diving Loon,

I know it is a sin to covet something, but my god I want those earrings.

These too:

Diving for Pearl Cluster earrings
The Diving Loon,

Pearl and Floral Chandelier earrings
The Diving Loon,

Be sure to check out Elizabeth's blog and her site. All of her jewlery is 100% guaranteed, and customizable. Enjoy!

Bejewledly yours,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nay and the Great Outdoors: A Wild and Wonderful Camping Adventure

I am not an outdoorsy girl.

I do not like bugs, spiders, the way grass makes me itch, dirty feet, sweating like a whore in church, getting bitten by mosquitos, and various other outdoors things.

I do, however, enjoy camping. I know, totally oxymoronic, isn't it. But I like to camp.

Let me rephrase- I like camping MY way. Which is to say that it doesn't look very much like "camping" at all. Oh sure, I've got the tent and the campfire. But I've also got an air mattress, portable DVD player, shampoo and conditioner, multiple changes of clothes, and several coolers of chocolate and sodas. I also have a set of clean sheets, a warm blanket, bath wipes, clorox wipes, Purel, body wash, various magazines, and a bag full of bug spray and sunblock. I do not "rough it" like most campers do. I make sure my creature comforts are close at hand. Like toilet paper.

I went camping this weekend for my best friend Lisa's 25th birthday. It's a tradition on her birthday that we camp. I used to dread the idea of camping, but I really do love it. We decided to camp on the north fork of the Shenandoah River in Shenandoah County, VA. Our site was in a roped-off area of a cow field with river access. It was an idyllic spot. The neighbors were sort of noisy in the morning, but I forgive them.

View from my tent window in the AM. Noisy neighbors.

Ok, ok, so we don't really do the whole "outdoors-camping-roughin'-it" thing. But we do have fun, and we are outside in the elements. I'm not a total priss pot (I'm rather girly), but I enjoy camping because it's a time to just be loose and free and not have to worry about how crappy my hair looks or that I'm not wearing any makeup, because EVERYONE looks crappy and dirty!

I'm not really sure where I'm going with this post, but I thought I'd share my experiences in the Great Outdoors. Maybe one day I'll work up enough courage to camp the "real" way...

...Without my portable DVD player. Perish the thought.

Campily yours,